Jupyter notebooks dark mode with Jupyter-themes

(1) Install it (more about installation): pip install jupyterthemes (2) setup the dark theme (learn more about options): jt -t monokai -f fira -fs 13 -nf ptsans -ofs 12 -nfs 11 -N -kl -cursw 5 -cursc r -cellw 95% -T

How to enable Forced Dark Mode in Chrome

type the following address in the URL bar: chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark Go to the drop-down menu next to Force Dark Mode and select Enabled. At the bottom, hit the Relaunch button to restart your browser.

customizing NVIDIA tensorflow docker image

(0) configuring users and environment (0.1) Configure sshd using /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. e.g., one may use the following list of parameters: (0.2) now configure the user: make the new user a sudoer: (0.3) now add environment variables to the .bashrc: copy the contents of the Env section and paste it to the file /home/<uname>/.bashrc preceding every… Читать далее customizing NVIDIA tensorflow docker image

nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:18.11-py3 to custom conda python 3.5

Pre: download Anaconda3 distribution (Anaconda3-5.3.0-Linux-x86_64.sh in this example) create .condarc (see below) create jupyter_notebook_config.py (see below) .condarc : jupyter_notebook_config.py : Dockerfile: build image (1st approach) run container: inside container: